Mini-booklet about Sustainability in Brno
This article talks briefly about the mini-booklet which our ESC volunteer, Diana, created to promote sustainability in Brno!
What is it about this mini-booklet?
Firstly, what I would like to start with is the content of the mini-booklet. Therefore, let’s jump in quickly. I wanted to write about sustainability because I believe it will have an impact, small or significant, on at least one person. It has to be mentioned, that no one is perfect with starting and maintaining a sustainable lifestyle. Therefore, I wrote about affordable and easy steps (e.g., try swaps), links to local businesses you can support, the concept of the Library of Things, the benefits of Community Gardens. I included also NGOs where you can get involved and local projects to read on. And last but not least, I attached a short video that shows some of these quick, easy, and green steps.:)
Why the subject of sustainability?
I come to you and talk about sustainability. But why? Because I found myself willing to make some changes in my lifestyle while I was reading articles about sustainability. Promoting the sustainable approach can influence at least someone’s point of view, for instance. In other words, buying second-hand clothes, helping the local community, or borrowing instead of buying, when it is possible, are significant when more people are repeating them because they create an eco-friendly movement. Ultimately, every change matters, and therefore I encourage you to invest your attention in eco-friendly options:).
Library of Things
So…What is the Library of Things? A place where you can go and borrow a variety of items (kitchen, camping, party items) for a small fee. It is also a place dear to my heart because I had the opportunity to see this concept being materialized, as I volunteered at Mladiinfo in Brno. You can read more in the Booklet about the Library of Things. Don’t hesitate to contact the Mladiinfo team with any questions. Thus, it would be also helpful to tell your friends, family about the Library of Things so that more people will find out about this concept. Above all, sharing is caring:)
More recommendations!
I did two interviews, one with Barbora Rantova, and one with Ramona Tomášková. Both of them talked about the sustainable movement and offered their tips. Barbora recommended us:
Podcasts: Proti Proudu, U Kulatého stolu, Brain We Are, Deep Talks, Science Café.
Shops: the ENTL, Reparádu, Botárka (second-hand), Retro komnata
Workshops in Brno: Kvítka v Byte, Kera, Brno šije
Movies on Netflix: The plastic ocean, Seaspiracy, Cowspiracy, Minimalism
In addition, Ramona reinforced the idea of how important is to implement small sustainable actions a.k.a buying from non-packaging stores, trying out swaps, design markets, composting on the balcony, supporting charities.
Without further ado, check out the mini-booklet attached down below which you can get for free!:)
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