This time we have a perfect offer for Spanish speakers (at least B1 level) who want to help save the planet. We’re presenting you the opportunity for environmental volunteering in Spain for 300 days!
The project lasts from February to November 2021 and focuses on raising ecological awareness and recycling plastic waste.
Continue reading to find out more about the tasks for volunteers and how to apply.
Where will you work?
Xeracion Valencia is an organization founded in 2014 by creative young people who left their usual jobs to work on improving their local community. They are actively involved in the Council of Youth in Gandia. The organization focuses on promoting youth mobility and participation and raising environmental awareness.
The town of the project, Gandia, is located on the east coast between Valencia and Alicante. In the region, you will find both urban areas and beautiful natural scenery, such as beaches, plains and mountines. It’s a perfect place if you enjoy the climate a little bit warmer than in the Czech Republic.
What will you do?
In this European Solidarity Corps project, three volunteers will work together in the following fields:
- Environment
- Awareness campaigns and workshops
- Non-formal management
Each volunteer will be the leader of one of the fields. However, they will all cooperate and get involved in various activities.
The main project activities are associated with Precious Plastic machines – special tools for recycling plastic waste, built by the organization. The volunteers will sort the plastic waste and use the machines to shred the plastic and create new plastic objects. Other tasks will include:
- Designing promotional materials
- Creating photos and videos promoting the work of the organization
- Managing the organization’s website and social media
- Looking for partners and sources of funding for the organization
- Implementing their own ideas relevant to the project
Read more about the activities in the info pack.
Practical information
This opportunity for environmental volunteering in Spain is a European Solidarity Corps project. It means that the costs are covered by the European Union. The volunteer receives:
- Reimbursement for the ticket to Spain and back to the Czech Republic
- Pocket money and food money every month – 300€ in total
- A private room in a three-bedroom flat
- A Spanish SIM card
- A bicycle to move around the town
- Optionally, a small space to grow their own vegetables and fruit
How to apply?
The perfect candidate should speak Spanish (at least B1) and have some experience, studies or interest in waste transformation and environmental campaigns. You also need to be aged 18-30 to go for an ESC project. To read a more detailed candidate profile, go to the info pack.
Are you interested? To apply, fill in the application form. The deadline for the application is the 4th of January 2021.

Do you want to explore other mobility offers? Go to our list of the current Mladiinfo projects!