Volunteering project in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

           Illustrative photo. Author:  Anemone123.  Source: pixabay.com


Are you considering taking a break from your routine?  Check this ESC volunteering project in  Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Try a new experience abroad!

What is this volunteering project in Cluj-Napoca about?

Mint Forte is an organization that implements artwork for taking care of mental health. They want to improve the well-being of people in need by offering educational and psychological support.  For further information, you can check the page of this organization.  

  • target group– people  aged  18-30  who want to maintain or improve  the mental health of  children (11-13), teenagers (15-18), or adults through applying various arts (painting, dance, theatre, etc)
  • accommodation fully covered 
  • pocket money– 90 euro per month
  • food money– 150 euro per month 
  • travel costs reimbursed according to these regulations:

*Distance between the home address of the volunteer and project location*

100-499 km: 180€
500-1999 km: 275€
2000-2999 km: 360€

What will you have to do?

  • organizing arts events (painting, dance, theatre, music, etc)
  • develop  art-based activities for young people and adults that are hospitalized and also for children in a  social  center
  • create videos, blog articles, and promote mental health and volunteering through social media

The deadline for application is 30.09.2020, so hurry up!

Why should you be interested?

Have you just finished your last university year and you don’t know which path to choose next? Or do you want to take a step back from your ordinary life and try a new way of living on your daily basis for some months? We have your back with this! Be ready to get involved in a new journey that will benefit you in many ways:

  • you will have the opportunity to be creative 
  • you can learn the Romanian language and improve your English skills
  • should we tell you about the great opportunity of making awesome new friends? 
  • you have the chance to gain psychological  knowledge from the professional ones
  •  You will  discover a new culture and  be engaged in life-changing  experiences


The project is for 12 months. You can find more information about this project on this info pack.

If you are curious to check out how the volunteering experience for other foreign people was, you can visit our website here.

Hey, we are all a bit nervous when we engage in a new experience. So you might want to have a look at this  Volunteer Manual for some more info. 😉



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