Sníte o životu v Británii? V článku se dozvíte o zajímavé nabídce, jak strávit několik měsíců ve Walesu jako dobrovolník, který má hrazené jídlo, ubytování a cestu díky programu Evropský sbor solidarity.
O projektu
Organizace Cae Tan CSA a Caerhys Organic Community Agriculture nabízí dohromady 3 volná místa pro dobrovolníky, kteří by rádi prožili několik měsíců ve Walesu a zapojili se do místních zemědělských projektů. Dobrovolník má díky Evropskému sboru solidarity (podrobné informace zde) zajištěné ubytování, dostává měsíční kapesné a je mu hrazena cesta tam a zpět. V minulosti se již jedna naše dobrovolnice projektu zúčastnila, její dojmy a zážitky si můžete přečíst v jejím článku.
Detailní informace o projektu si můžete přečíst v angličtině, jelikož článek pro vás připravila naše dobrovolnice Dora z Litvy.
There are 3 open spots for ESC volunteers in Wales: 2 spots at Cae Tan CSA – Wales largest community-supported agriculture (CSA) project based on the beautiful Gower peninsula in South Wales – and 1 spot at Caerhys Organic Community Agriculture (COCA) – a community-supported agriculture scheme based near St Davids, Pembrokeshire, Wales.

About the organization Cae Tan CSA
Cae Tan CSA grow organic vegetables for over 100 local households. As Wales largest community-supported agriculture (CSA) project, they share responsibility, rewards & risk with their members in growing their food. They run educational activities with local schools, families & community groups. They host a trainee each year from within the UK who will work alongside the ESC volunteer. They have a small committed group of growers & volunteers & the support of six directors.
Project description
The ESC volunteer would work alongside the growers & trainee grower on the main site, second field & at the Gower Heritage Center Hub. They would be involved in all aspects of the CSA, which incorporate the following;
- Seed sowing, ground preparation, planting, pest management, harvesting.
- Maintenance of structures, fencing, construction of polytunnel, etc.
- Packing & hosting the hub where produce is collected
- Assisting in educational activities, such as school visits
The ESC volunteer will always be working alongside others. There may be a few occasions where they work alone for short periods.
There is potential for a volunteer to develop his or her own project.
The volunteer will have the daily support of both the main & the second grower. They will also meet all of the directors who can act as back up support. The main grower will manage their daily routine & work plan. The volunteer will be treated as a trainee & as such, each task will be explained & supported. It is up to the trainee to ask for further support in areas they are particularly interested to learn more about. The volunteer will work 32 hours a week & occasionally be responsible for watering polytunnel crops at the weekend.
Travel and Living
ESC volunteers will be staying in accommodation at the Gower Heritage Centre in Parkmill or hosted at one of our member’s houses. Either way, they will be based in a sociable environment close to the coast & a 30-minute bus ride from the center of town.
You will receive your allowance for food and pocket money into your UK bank account once it is set up.
Whilst the project is in a rural area, it is close to a town (Swansea). There are good bus links both into town & further out onto the peninsula (but only certain times a day). Your accommodation will be shared with our UK trainee.
Plane tickets to the place will be reimbursed up to 275 euros.

About the organization COCA
Caerhys Organic Community Agriculture (COCA) consists of around 50 household members who work together to grow their own vegetables, salads and soft fruits and support a local farmer by sharing the risks and rewards together. COCA aims to educate people in sustainable food production and to promote organic food and community-supported agriculture. COCA is a community-based scheme and all members do work together on a voluntary basis to obtain the organization’s objectives. Besides the local volunteers who are helping on the farm on a weekly basis, COCA has been working with international volunteers for more than 5 years.
Project description
Vital to the ESC placement at COCA is the chance for the volunteer to develop their own ideas and implement their own personal projects and activities. The members of COCA will make relevant training and development opportunities available where applicable. Therefore the role of the ESC volunteer at Caerhys farm will largely depend on the motivation and personal objectives of the volunteer.
The ESC volunteer will be actively involved in the farm work: growing, planting, transplanting and planning community growing as part of the Growing Team.
The volunteer will also be involved with other subgroups from the core group working on:
– Promotion Team: Social media, website content, getting involved and meeting with the local community to raise awareness and promote the work of COCA.
– Events Team: planning various local events, e.g. annual harvest party.
– Distribution Team: delivering fruits and vegetables boxes to drop off points
– Membership Team: Planning volunteering days and working on good relationships with members.
The ESC volunteer will work 35 hours per week and will receive at least 2 days’ holiday per month. As well as this, they will have two consecutive days off each week (usually a weekend). If for any reason, the volunteer work these days they will be offered two different days off in the week to make up the time.
Travel and Living
The ESC volunteers will live in a static mobile home on Caerhys Organic Farm. Each of them will have their own separate bedroom but will share kitchen, bathroom and sitting room. The static mobile home is in good condition and has been used as accommodation throughout the year for previous international volunteers. All year, other international volunteers will be hosted by COCA, which gives the ESC volunteer an opportunity of intercultural learning and sharing experience with young people from different countries. The accommodation is on-site and close to the farmhouse where the supervisor and mentor are living. The bus stop is about 500 meters up the road to catch buses going into the city of St. Davids (only 3 buses run every day).
Each month the volunteer will receive their pocket money and food allowance directly into their bank accounts (they will be supported to set up UK accounts). In addition, the ESC volunteer will receive a share of the harvest each week.
Because the project is very remote/ isolated, the volunteer should be interested and motivated in living in a beautiful but remote area of West Wales. The living conditions of this project are VERY BASIC. There is a limited INTERNET on the farm and a very bad signal.
Plane tickets to the place will be reimbursed up to 275 euros.

Volunteer Profile
Cae Tan and COCA are looking for volunteers with an interest in agriculture and community growing. Experience of working on a farm may be useful but is not our foremost criteria.
The projects hosted by Cae Tan and COCA are open to all young people aged 18 – 30, regardless of background, competences, and experience. Volunteers ideally will:
- Have an interest in agriculture and community growing
- Have experienced work with and/ or have an interest in working in a community-based agriculture scheme
- Have a good level of English and a commitment to improving their English (to be able to get the most from the placement)
- Be flexible and adaptable to change
- Be reliable
- Have a willingness to develop projects and pieces of work according to interests.
Application Process
Whilst Cae Tan and COCA are the actual hosts of the projects, UNA Exchange is the coordinating organization and administrating the whole project. Hence, you will apply for the project with Cae Tan or COCA through UNA Exchange.
Please read carefully through the description, consider going online as well to find more information about Cae Tan TSA ( or COCA ( Cae Tan project will start on 1st March 2020 – 30th November 2020 (9 months). COCA project will run from 1st March to 31st December 2020. Please make sure you are available to dedicate this time period to volunteering in Wales.
To apply for these projects please complete this application form and send it together with a copy of your CV and a motivation letter to (please copy your sending organization into the email). The application deadline is the 15th of January 2020.
Please use the following in your email subject: “your name”:: Cae Tan / “your name”:: COCA
You can find the application forms here: Cae Tan CSA and COCA.
More about volunteering opportunities you can find right here.