Do Řecka na zkušenou
English bellow! Mladiinfo ČR právě zahajuje přihlašování na dobrovolnický projekt v Řecku. Odjeďte do Řecka na zkušenou přes Evropský sbor solidarity a objevte něco nového!
Mladiinfo ČR dlouhodobě spolupracuje s řeckou organizací Orfeas, která hledá do svého týmu dalšího dobrovolníka z České republiky! Informace o projektu a jak se přihlásit pro vás připravila naše litevská dobrovolnice Dora, která je v současné době v naší brněnské kanceláři také díky programu Evropský sbor solidarity (dříve Evropská dobrovolná služba).
Project Description
Forever sunny, green, and full of indulging smells of lemon, orange, apricot – that’s a town called Xylokastro in the peninsula of Peloponnese, Greece, where you can find the mystery of ancient history and beaches of gold. That is just a little part of the ESC (before it was EVS) volunteering project waiting for you.
An organization Orfeas is looking for a motivated volunteer to work with 2-5-year-old kids to work in a kindergarten in Greece. It would be not just everyday work in the kindergarten but expressing your own artistic and creative ideas, implementing them with children, and showing them a new culture that would encourage tolerance and acceptance of the different from a very early age.
The project would last from January 2020 until June 2020 for 6 months (the starting date can be flexible but not the duration of the project).
The volunteer would get the following tasks:
- assist the teachers, e.g. to organize the classroom, prepare teaching materials;
- support the learning process of the children;
- help with fine-art and drama workshops, painting lessons;
- participate in outdoor activities based on the season and the teaching plan;
- help the kindergarten staff with everyday schedule;
- Be an active member of the team.

Orfeas aims to organize and support national programs of the partner municipalities, natural heritage protection, and environmental activities, summer events, festivals, concerts, theatrical performances, exhibitions in cooperation with the local municipalities.
Moreover, an active style of living will be supported by free Greek language classes, workshops, cooking lessons, dance lessons, different theme nights. The volunteer will be welcome to suggest his ideas about potential events.
Travel and Living
It is not just a good way to spread your culture, implement your ideas, change the future by making a good impact on the young ones, be a part of an active community but also a chance to make life-lasting friends. Now Orfeas is looking for one volunteer but they will be hosting more of them who would be living all together in a flat in the center of the town. The accommodation will be for free and include:
- Four bedrooms;
- Living room;
- Kitchen;
- Three bathrooms;
- Four balconies;
- Big rooftop.
Plane tickets to the place will be reimbursed up to 275 euros, the volunteer will be provided with pocket money for food and living expenses.
You can find the infopack here.
Volunteer Profile
Firstly, the future volunteer must be 18-30 years old and be an official resident of the Czech Republic.
For the rest in life, you need just a big heart. Orfeas is looking for neither less, nor more. For a person who would be:
- Social and open-minded;
- Responsible and patient;
- Creative;
- Positive;
- Interested in work with children;
- Be able to cooperate with the qualified staff of the kindergarten.
You don’t need to have an advanced level of English, just to be able to keep a casual conversation.
Application and selection process
If you are interested and available to take part in this volunteering project, please send all the following documents in English to kancelar@mladiinfo.cz
- CV with a photo
- Cover letter
The application deadline is the 3rd of December 2019. The application deadline is postponed to December 10, 2019 (upd. 27/11/2019).
Only complete applications will be considered.
Stay with us for more opportunities!
Přihlášením na tento projekt dáváte Mladiinfo ČR, z.s. a Orfeas souhlas ke zpracování vašich osobních údajů pro účely administrace tohoto projektu.