Time to say goodbye to our EVS volunteer Enes Sarıoğlu!

Přečtěte si, jak hodnotí náš úžasný, nyní již bohužel bývalý EVS dobrovolník Enes Sarıoğlu z Turecka, svých krásných 10 měsíců strávených v s námi v Brně!

The time has come to say goodbye. It has been almost 10 months since I arrived in the Czech Republic at a night with mild air in November.

Even though, I tried not to have expectations before my arrival I unintentionally had some. Some of them fulfilled, some of them shifted or evolved yet overall I am quite satisfied with the time I have spent here.

Archiv Enes Sarıoğlu

EVS has its own ups and downs, you don’t always feel like you are doing something useful for your life, but in the end, you notice that you have done and learn more than you consider. Moreover, it is obviously not just about gaining new skills or so-called competencies, but about knowing more about yourself. It also provides you with a space to think regarding which path to take, what you would like to do in life.

I believe, one of the most crucial parts of EVS is selecting the right project which you are keen about its outcomes. Most of the people just apply to projects to spend some time abroad, which is also understandable, however, you should also be aware of what you desire to take the best out of it since the time is priceless. Thanks to my organization and its lovely people, I could spend my time here quite efficiently. I would like to you give a few statistics about what carried out by me for ten months here in Mladiinfo CR.

  • More than 15 articles published including my experiences and Erasmus plus promotions
  • 7 English conversation club meetings, 5 movie nights and 1 cultural evening organized
  • Attended two different trainings and helped with a youth mobility program and training facilitated by Mladiinfo CR
  • Three different project applications completed
  • Designed logos, leaflets, info packs
  • Visited three different countries and eleven different cities which I have never been before
  • I drank countless beers and meet plenty of people 🙂

Last but not least, I am going to start living in Brno, Czech Republic after I have literally completed my project here. I believe this is an important indication regarding my love for Brno. So this is actually a new beginning for me rather than a bitter-sweet goodbye. In summary, I will always be grateful for having this chance to experience living and volunteering here, and it will always be remembered. And yes, it was truly life-changing experience, at least for me! 🙂

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