Jedním z rysů Evropské doborovlné služby je také k poznávání země a kultury, ve které se dobrovolník nachází. Náš EVS dobrovolník Ricardo popisuje, jaká byla jeho návštěva Prahy a jak prožil Velikonoce.
Following me exploring the Czech Republic, the last weekend I was able to see Prague and a typical Czech village, from the Spanish view.
On Friday 14th of April I was wondering what I could do that weekend. And after checking in with a Bulgarian mate, without warning, we were planning to leave in 12 hours to Prague where we would sleep over at a friend’s home. Saturday morning, we got ready to go by train. I might seem a bit cheap but I really like to measure the distance by, for example, one movie and two episodes of The Big Bang Theory. At 12:30, we were in Prague, waiting for our Italian host, wishing to start discovering.
The first was that I realised how I miss the metro. It was foolish but I liked the Prague one. After leaving our stuff at the friend’s, we met with other mates, and took a walk along the Vltava river, having a good time. After that, we visited the cathedral of St.Vitus, appreciating the good facebook-ready landscape.
Once we had done the obligated touristy things, we went out, to enjoy the craziest Prague night. We went to a rock pub, quite big and quite crazy. We were quite an international group yet we met even more people from all over the world.
The next day, Sunday, with a little bit of hangover, we were ready to keep moving. We visited the castle which is simply incredible. The place was crowded because of Easter and I could hear Spanish all the time on the streets but I think it’s cool to see theat the sights are visited so much. After walking all day, my friend and me had to come back to Brno. We were tired but it was worth it.
The next day, only after few hours of rest, I had a meeting with my local friend in his village. It seemed to be a good plan. I was really looking forward to see how Easter is in the Czech Republic. Once we met up, my friends cut a branch and they gave me the stick, telling me I was going to need it and that I would understand why later.
We got ready and started going around the village, house by house. Then my martyrdom began because I don’t know if the local people thought about the Spanish weak boys when they invented the tradition of offering alcohol at any occasion. Thus, I was visiting families while being almost totally drunk. For what I can remember ,there were more than two other people in a similar situation. What I can’t remember is how my stick ended up having with a lot of colourful paper strips tied to it, which is nice.