Erasmus+ KA2 Youth: Exchange of good practices with Mladiinfo ČR
Mladiinfo ČR is looking for a partner organization for the new upcoming project! Are you a European NGO focused on youth? You are welcome to join us and share good practices with us.
Mladiinfo ČR is looking for a partner organization for the new upcoming project! We are planning to apply for an Erasmus+ KA2 project „Exchange of good practices“ in the field of youth. Find out more about us. Erasmus+ KA2 – What is it about?
This project type is designed for organizations (NGOs, Schools, etc.) to support strategic partnerships, development, transfer and / or implementation of innovative practices. You can find more general information at the webpage of the European Comission.
The project that Mladiinfo ČR wants to apply for is called „iNFO BOOST„. The project lasts 18 monts and is focused on increasing the competitiveness of organizations through PR, social media and communication.
What is the aim of this Erasmus+ KA2 project?
By implementing this project we would like:
- To increase the competitiveness of non-profit organizations
- To increase the quality of services provided by non-profit organizations
- To strengthen the human resources capacity of non-profit organizations by volunteers and interns
- To multiply the number of recipients of services provided by non-profit organizations
- To create an action plan and guide for organizations to achieve the above mentioned objectives
To achieve the main objectives of this project, the participating organizations will exchange good practices in:
- The means of reaching generations Y and Z through the internet (content on social media, website, campaigns, etc.)
- The methodology of analyzing the needs of various target groups of the participating organizations
- Tailoring public events and workshops addressing the identified needs for various target groups
- Fundraising
How to become a partner of this project?
Are you interested in taking part in this project? Before proceeding further, please answer these questions:
- Are you part of an organization based in the European Union?
- Is your organization focused on youth work?
- Does your organization have at least 1 full-time employee?
If you have said YES three times, let’s get in touch!
To become our partner fill out this form, please. It is a Needs Assessment created for this specific project. The Needs Assessment is open for organizations until 15th April 2020. We will contact you until 20th April 2020 to inform you about the outcome. Thank you very much!